Help on: area prairie and grasslands

In the days before Alestar, a small temple to Isneen rose on the plains southeast of the Brown River, just east of the grand city of Oldgate. The temple brought fertility to the soil and prosperity to the people of the land, and the world seemed at peace.

The unstoppable tide of Alestar's army ended that era, destroying the temple and scarring the lands around it forever. The people fled south, seeking solace among the conquered lands, but finding only poor, hard lives.

Centuries later, their descendants returned to the land, carrying with them the dim hope, kept alive by legend, that they might again find peace. But without the sacred presence of Isneen, the plains grow only the tough, dry grass suitable for bahtzen. And these lands are not without danger, nor without evil.

Nevertheless, Doalic legend holds that the priests of Isneen have merely hidden beneath the ruined temple, awaiting the right moment to come forth again into the world, and to bring again the blessing of Isneen.

NOTES: Recommended Levels: 9-12 Group Size: 2-4

The underground levels are harder than those above ground. You'll need a spellcaster to reach the most interesting parts.
