Help on: area torm sarvek

(shortened from Ishar's 157 Cool Places--Number 67)

A long time ago, Alestar the Mad ruled the known world from Torm Sarvek for over two hundred years. The high priest of the god Thurvun, he and his lord spread terror throughout the land. But Alestar broke with Thurvun and earned his enmity. The Seeress Birne foretold his fall at the sword of a hero.

Since then, Torm Sarvek has rotted grandly, and some of Alestar's creatures still haunt the upper and lower reaches. It has been for the most part, however, taken over by a band of goblins. If you don't mind goblins, are interested in history, or are looking for some original and illuminating material to read, I would recommend his old abode. He never cared for casual visitors, but he's dead now, so it doesn't really matter.


NOTES: Recommended Levels: 10-13 Group Size: 1-3
