Help on: body
We break the character strengths down into six statistics: there are three physical and three mental stats, one of each roughly corresponding to power, flexibility and control.
Body Mind ------ ------ Strength Focus - power Agility Perception - flexibility Endurance Willpower - control
It may help to think of Focus as mental Strength, etc.
These statistics, usually referred to as the character's "stats", are numbers that range from 3 to 23 under normal conditions, higher is better.
Often times, these stats are paired together to work in conjuction. These pairings of stats which are used for magic saves, skills, health, and many other things, are most effective when the two stats are maximized. See `help stat pairing' for more information.
See also: Physical Stats, Mental Stats, Skills, Stat Pairing
Copyright ©1993-2012 Aaron Hopkins. All Rights Reserved.