Help on: combat
Skill in combat is something that can only be gained by experience. Still, there are a few things a new player can do to improve his chances of survival.
1. Make sure wimpy mode is ON. A player with wimpy mode turned on automatically flees when he gets below 20% of his maximum health. This is especially important for new players since low-level characters don't have that much health to start with.
2. Use the display command and set your prompt to show your current health. Keep an eye on your prompt and flee if your health gets too low.
3. Use the 'consider' command and be SURE the opponent you choose is appropriate to your level. Nothing gets you killed quicker than biting off more than you can chew.
4. MUDding is a social game. You will have more fun and have more success if you group with other players of similar level. If possible, find a group with experienced players to show you the ropes.
MUD combat can be a little difficult to follow at first. As you get more experienced, your eye will become trained to scan the text and extract the important information. If your communications software includes a scroll-back buffer, I recommend you review your first few fights and notice the common patterns of the exchanges.
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