Help on: remort upgrades

    Aule the Shaper inside the realm of Varenya, accessed only by remorting, 
 grants the option to trade in your Renown for unique upgrades to your
 character. They are laid out here for your convenience.
    ** NAME ********* Num Tiers ****** Cost ******* Description *************
    * Armor Class       5           1/2/3/3/3     Grants 4 AC per tier
    * Attack            5           1/2/3/3/3     Grants 5% attack per tier
    * Critical Strike   5           1/2/3/4/4     Grants 3% critical chance
                                                      per tier
    * HP Heal           5           1/2/2/3/3     Grants 10% HP Heal per tier
    * Mana Heal         5           1/2/3/3/3     Grants 10% Mana Heal per tier
    * Move Heal         5           1/1/1/1/1     Grants 10% Move Heal per tier
    * Speed             5           1/2/3/4/4     Grants -1 Speed per tier
    * Save All          5           1/2/3/3/3     Grants 4% Save All per tier
    * Spell Potency     3             3/4/5       Allows you to cast spells to
                                                  greater effect. Each tier
                                                  allows you to cast your
                                                  spells as if you were one
                                                  level higher. Certain spells
                                                  are upgraded even further, 
                                                  unique, ways. For example;
                                                  mist, enchant and possess
   												  all gain greater than normal
   												  power at higher tiers.
    * Infravision       1               3         Grants permanent infravision
    * Detect Invisible  1               3         Grants permanent detect
    * Water Affinity    1               3         Grants you the ability to
                                                  great distances and breathe
    * Endure Elements   1               3         Grants the ability to endure
                                                  heat and cold.
    * Third Eye         1               3         Grants detect magic, detect
                                                  alignment and detect life.
    * Hyperbolic        1               3         Makes you immune to arid 
      Metabolism                                  conditions and you metabolize
                                                  food and water more slowly,
                                                  allowing you to longer
                                                  without need of them.
    * Skill Gain        1               3         You learn your skills twice
      Increase                                    as fast
    * Remort Armor     10               3*        You may take 1 slot of armor
                                                  per tier from the remort
    * Remort Weapons   10               6*        You may take 1 weapon per 
                                                  tier from the remort altar
    * Remort Artifact  10               1*        You may take 1 artifact in
                                                  place of a regular item from
                                                  the remort altar. It is bound
                                                  to level 15.
