Help on: spamming
There are many terms in common use whose meaning may not be obvious. They generally serve to decrease typing during conversation.
PC - Player Character. A player as opposed to a mobile. Char - Short for character. Mob - Short for mobile. Any computer generated entity. Obj - Short for object. Any virtual object on the system. PK - Short for Player Killer or Player Kill. A player who preys upon other player characters. Pker, Pkill - A PK. AC - Armor Class. A measure of armor protection. Tick, or Tic - 1 MUD hour. A minute of real-time. BRB - Be Right Back IRL - In Real Life AFK - Away From Keyboard Stat - Short for statistic. Pertaining to mob and object characteristics. Rock - Ishar's prison for the hopelessly obnoxious. Spamming - Flooding another player or channel with huge amounts of text. Highly discouraged; often quickly and severely punished. Newbie - A person who is new to the system.
See Also: MUD Basics
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