Help on: spell reanimate

Syntax:cast reanimate <non-player corpse>

A necromancer of 6th level or higher can use this spell to bring the dead corpses of mobiles back to life in undead form. The animated corpse will then obey the commands of the caster as though under the influence of a charm spell. A corpse is in all ways like the creature was while still alive, except that it can't talk, is unaffected by cold and water, can see in the dark and see the invisible, does slightly less damage in melee combat, and counts as an undead creature. Also, the undead have no need for rest and you will never see one slumbering. If the animated corpse is not struck down, the spell wears off after a very long duration.

As with charm, the number of renimates you can hold under your power is based on your Willpower and your Perception.

See also: Spell Charm, Stat Pairing
