Help on: races

The realm is populated by a variety of races, and you may find that some have characteristics which others do not.

One statistic which does vary from race to race is the saving throw rolled when a player or mobile encounters magical attacks, and poison. Read the help on Saves to clarify the meaning of the following, which lists the saving bonuses for the races currently available to players:

   Race        Automatic Bonuses to Saving Rolls
   Human       +1 vs. Fear
   Elf         +2 vs. Magic, +2 vs.Illusion 
   Dwarf       +2 vs. Poison, +1 vs. Petrification
   Gnome       +2 vs. Petrification, +1 vs. Magic
   Hobbit      +2 vs. Distraction, +1 vs. Poison,
   Half-elf    +3 vs. Illusion, +1 vs. Magic

With regard to creature races, making common sense assumptions hold true such as dragons resist breath attacks, and elementals resist petrification. Bear this in mind when fighting odd creatures.

See also: Saves, Spell List
