Help on: remorting

A shrine was discovered in a tunnel near Hedros which is rumored to bestow a bonus of additional stat points and renown to the devout in exchange for all of the experience points and possessions a mortal can offer. Varenya's shrine will not accept you unless your equipment and bank are as impressive as is possible.

Every odd remort (1, 3, 5...) you will gain 2 stats and 1 renown and every even remort (2, 4, 6...) you will gain 1 stat and 2 renown.

After Varenya accepts your offering, you will be taken to a segment of her halls wherein you will find several of her emissaries who will help reshape you for your next life. The changes they can work are incredible and ever expanding as they grow more familiar with shaping mortals. Within their demesnes you will be able to leverage your renown in exchange for more fine-tuned improvements; such as quality of life upgrades (permanent infravision), auxilliary stat enhancements (critical strike, speed), or even access to entirely new abilities and skills.

A remort needs a sixth again as much (~ +16%) experience for each remort, will be allowed to rent 2% more equipment per remort and will be returned to level 5 naked and penniless. Naked and penniless certainly seems to be the gods' favorite state for mortals to be in, doesn't it?

See also: Remort, Renown, Remort Upgrades
